Tuesday, December 15, 2009

CrossFit catch-up

+ two and a half more days until the holiday break!!! can't wait!!

CrossFit 12.7.09

5-5-5-5-5 OHS
weight= 42lbs

thrusters (32 lbs)
time= 9:34

CrossFit 12.9.09

1-1-1-1-1 push jerk
weight= 62 lbs

4x 200m sprints
times= 29/27/28/27
i don't love sprinting, but my times were good. it gave my arms a little extra rest too, which they certainly needed after monday.

CrossFit 12.11.09

5-5-5 deadlift
weight= 93lbs (workout weight, not max)

deadlifts (93lbs)
handstand push-ups (subbed pike push-ups)
time= 5:11
my dl weight may have been a tab ambitious for the WOD as i was really struggling by the end, and it showed in my time... not my strongest performance for sure.

CrossFit 12.14.09

dips (small band) 3x 10
body holds 3x 10sec
negatives (starting in up position and slowly lowering body; practice for solo ring dips, one of my goals)

5 rounds of:
12 hammer swings (medium hammer)
12 sit-ups
12 pull-ups (medium band)
time= 8:53
this one was tough... the pull-ups nearly killed me. i ripped two callouses off, but luckily they weren't as deep as the last one. my time wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. some girls did body rows, which would have shaved a bunch off of my time. my swings and sit-ups were pretty solid. hadn't done pull-ups since before the wedding and i felt it!

CrossFit 12.15.09

3-2-1-1-1 cleans
max weight= 77lbs
hadn't done these in a while, wasn't unhappy with the weight. hope to go up at least 5 more lbs by next time.

wall balls (6lb ball)
double unders
time= 6:21
this one was exhausting, a great cardio workout. i should have been able to use an 8lb ball but i didn't feel up to it... next workout i will though!! gotta start moving up if i'm ever going to get to the 12lb ball like my goal says...

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