Sunday, June 13, 2010

see no evil, hear no evil...

i've been thinking a lot about the oil spill lately. while i'm sure this is a relatively common sentiment at the moment, for me it isn't. you see, most of the time i am completely successful (albeit not necessarily intentional) in completely tuning out anything unpleasant (to put it mildly) in the world. only when something reaches magnitudes that simply cannot be tuned out do i become aware, invested, or involved. this is a personal issue that i've been aware of for a while, but i've managed to make excuses for myself and simply shove the issue on the back burner.

excuse one: i'm too busy to watch the news. i almost laughed out loud while typing that. donny and i watch hours of tv shows per week, yet those hours hardly ever encompass anything informational. granted the news has it's flaws and, particularly at the local level, and tends to be guilty of the same ignorance that i myself am guilty of, at least in regards to many issues, but it would at least be a small step in the right direction towards social responsibility. whether it be reading daily articles online, watching the world news, or listening to npr, i vow to become better informed.

excuse two: i can't handle tragedy. while true, this is not a valid excuse. i have tended to justify my non-involvement by pointing towards my often times heightened, over-reactions. i cry when i see dead animals on the side of the road. i become physically nauseous during movies and tv shows that feature human evils. hell, i can't even stomach to hear about the mice that have been caught in the traps at my sister and brother-in-law's house. BUT... just because i am easily affected, i should not have a free pass to blissful ignorance. so what if i read, see, hear, or think about things daily that upset me? there are certainly hardships and tragedies out there that deserve my thoughts, sympathies, and tears, at the very least. and only when we are affected do we take action which is my ultimate responsibility. which leads to the next excuse...

excuse three: i donate money to charities that deal with the injustices that i ignore. by giving nearly ten percent of my income to causes that i feel connected to, i give myself a free pass to give nearly zero percent of my time or energy. yes, by giving anything at all financially for building wells in developing nations, supporting less fortunate children, rescuing stray animals,  researching a cure for AIDS, etc., i may be doing more than many americans out there. but that doesn't mean i'm doing enough. giving money is without question taking the easiest route. although i am confident that what i give is making a bit of a difference, i also am confident that i could make more of a difference by giving some of my time and increasing my own awareness, and then in turn hopefully the awareness of others.

but i may be getting ahead of myself here. my goal is not to change the world, but to be better aware of and informed about what in the world needs changing. the one must necessarily precede the other. it has always been a goal of mine to be a responsible citizen of this world, and now i'd like to stop making excuses for not being one. if you are at all like me and my family, maybe you'd like to challenge yourself to do the same.

with that said, don't expect my blog to suddenly become filled with current events or world tragedies. in all likelihood, my next entry will feature current events in the life of the wilsons. but i will try to update on my personal challenge at some point, hoping that doing so will keep me accountable.

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