Wednesday, September 23, 2009


+ still cool outside! i got to wear a real jacket (albeit a light one) for the first time this school year. also i wore my toms to work, which makes my days so much more bearable. i try to work them into my "professional" outfits as often as i possibly can, which isn't always easy, but gives me a special sense of accomplishment and fulfillment each time it happens. (btw, should my career as a speech pathologist ever come to an end, i could most likely find a job with toms shoes-every time i talk to anyone about them i sound like i am trying to make a sale. in all honesty, they are just THAT awesome)

other than that, today was alright. woke up late and didn't have time to fix my usual egg and meatless sausage scramble for breakfast. i also kept thinking it was thursday today and was then slightly devastated each time i remembered it was only wednesday. but my kiddos are pretty awesome (for the most part) and make most days worthwhile.

i also made it to CF today, my first time to go 3 consecutive days. i was a little worried because i woke up this morning unable to fully contract my right arm due to an incredibly, atypically sore tricep, and it only worsened throughout the day. luckily today's workout didn't require fully bending my right arm, so i was ok. but first, here's yesterday's time:

30-25-20-15-10 thrusters
some rounds were better than others, but overall it felt good

CrossFit 9.23.09

250m row
burgener warm-up

3-3-3-3-3 snatch pulls, 52lbs
my form was actually pretty good on this (for once- usually i struggle with form), so i was pleased

ten rounds, kettle bells/burpees (first 3 rounds with 25lb bell, rest with 20lb):
10/1 - 9/2 - 8/3 - 7/4 - 6/5 - 5/6 - 4/7 - 3/8 - 2/9 - 1/10
time= 7:36
if you haven't guessed yet where the title of today's post comes from... i loathe burpees. they are officially my least favorite, up to this point, move we do in CF. and, in addition to making everything sore and bruising my knees, they make me incredibly nauseous. hence, i refer to them by the more accurate name of "pukees". burpees seemed to me a misnomer anyway- they definitely don't induce burping. all in all though, although my time was the slowest of the group by about 15 seconds, it wasn't a bad showing. 

i also added a new CF goal to my list:
to do push ups from my toes in workouts (still doing them from my knees now)
will probably also add using 35 lb kettle bell to the list

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