Tuesday, September 22, 2009


ok, so this isn't about our actual honeymoon... i am currently consuming a honeymoon, blue moon's seasonal summer beer (which i LOVE). and, i am going to add a + because treating myself to a beer is definitely a good thing today.

bonus + i found out a coworker friend of mine is expecting! i'm super excited for her. babies are the best. she is going to be an adorable little pregnant woman who only shows in her stomach and looks completely normal from the back. and, she's going to be an awesome mom to boot :) congrats, april p!

today was rain-filled, which was fine with me primarily because it was also cool. i love cool weather, and we don't get much of it here due to our lack of autumn, so today was sort of awesome. our ac at home didn't even kick on all day! i did get rained on more times than i can count because i was traveling between schools today, but it was totally worth it.

for once, i wasn't sore when i woke up today- a first since i started CrossFitting. CF was pretty good today. i don't have my time to report(there were 5 times to remember, way too much for my little overworked brain to retain), but i'm going to write it down tomorrow. here was today's workout:

CrossFit 9.22.09

250m row
3x 6 reps on GHD

30-25-20-15-10 thrusters (start from squat with bar in front, under chin, then stand and lift bar over head, fully extended)
this one was much tougher than it seemed at first. my time was decent, but in my effort to have a solid time i think my squat form suffered. i am going to be hurting tomorrow, though.

also in CF today we set personal goals. my goals are for the next 6ish months (although hopefully less) are:
150lb dead lift (currently 118lb- but i think i can do more than 150 by then)
use 10 lb medicine ball for wall balls (currently using 4lb)
solo ring dips (without resistance band)

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