Friday, September 18, 2009


+ i discovered i LOVE heath bars. ok, so this was only half positive, as eating 8 bite size bars was hardly helpful with the "eating healthy" pre-wedding plan, but holy crap those things are delicious! i also owe the speech team an apology as i completely wiped out the heath bar portion of the candy supply at our meeting today. will power, why must you always escape me?

this week crawled by at an unbearably slow pace, but the weekend is here at last. finally. and i get to see my adorable niece, kate, tomorrow. finally!! it's been nearly a month, and that just isn't acceptable... she's gone from a crawling rookie to a crawling gold medalist in that time! 

did absolutely nothing wedding related, not even crossfit, the last couple of days (but i DID partake in a delightful happy hour and small office-watching party yesterday)... i was so sore i could hardly get out of bed, and walking down stairs nearly had me in tears (literally) one morning. donny was nice enough to give me "massages" a few times to try to get rid of the acid buildup and loosen my muscles. let me just say that massages do not always feel good, and in fact, they aren't always even tolerable. but on some rare occasions, when muscles reach a certain level of soreness, massages actually serve as a method of cruel and unusual punishment. this week was like that. but today i finally felt decent enough to get back to work...

CrossFit 9.18.09

250 m row
10-10-10 reps on GHD (glute ham developer)

3-3-3-3-3 SDHP (sumo deadlift high pull)
92 lb max

150 wall balls (used 4 lb medicine ball)
time= 8:24
decent time, but again, my weight is weak. apparently i'm just not strong at all... but i'll get there eventually! and i WILL do at least 4 days next week...

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