Monday, October 5, 2009

4 day week? yes, please...

+ mondays are always tough, and they always come too fast and take too long... today's wasn't really any different except that i only have 3 more work days this week! which essentially makes monday more like a tuesday. or some other semi-legit logic that makes my work week SHORTER! i'm taking friday off for my weekend trip to austin. i cannot WAIT to see all of my girls!

i'm currently sitting on the couch, already showered and fed, preparing to watch mnf with donny. with NO invitations to work on simultaneously. man, does it feel good to be finished with that monumental task! i can't stress enough how much work those suckers were. but well worth it i suppose as they came out exactly as i had envisioned.

donny's actual birthday yesterday was quite nice. we got some kate time early in the morning, followed by a delicious breakfast with donny's mom at kelley's country kitchen. we drove home in the rain and spent the afternoon watching football, catching up with our dvr, and napping. it was a delightfully lazy sunday. our soccer game was rained out, so i went to the gym last night and ran 3 miles on the treadmill... that may be a record for me as i am NOT a runner, not even a little bit.

CrossFit 10.5.09

500m row
burgener warmup

3-3-3-3-3 snatch deadlift
weight= 92lbs
i think, for me, this is a decent weight... no reference as there were no other females there today. had a tough time keeping my back set, as usual. my hands are hurting now...

5 rounds of:
7 muscle snatch (using 22lbs)
7 burpee box jumps
time= 7:25
my goal was to finish under 7:30, so i made it, albeit barely. this workout was exhausting. burpee box jumps are the worst thing in the world and may very well have been dreamed up by satan himself. they basically combine the two most tiring (IMO) moves in CF- a burpee with a box jump at the end (in place of a plain old jump into the air). because regular old burpees just aren't challenging enough (insert sarcasm)... but i was proud because i only dragged my knee getting up once- didn't tear up my old scab at all. granted it was a far less quantity of burpees, but even as i got fatigued i tried to keep decent form, and this is an improvement for me.

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