Thursday, October 8, 2009

bachelorette party, here i come!!

+ i'm leaving first thing tomorrow morning to go to austin, where my bachelorette party will officially commence on saturday morning!! tomorrow i'll get to spend all day with my beautiful loving friend april, and best of all, i WON'T be at work ;)

today was a moderately stressful, and somewhat unproductive, day at work. but hey, you can't win 'em all. at least i know that next week will most likely be better (although it will be a full 5 day week). i did make a revelation that had me tickled... on monday on the way to work i was listening to one of the local radio morning shows and they had called a girl to have her tell her story of what happened to her over the weekend- she had gotten engaged. on tuesday, i got to work at the intermediate school and one of the teachers i work a lot with told me he had proposed to his girlfriend over the weekend. i was really excited for him and congratulated him and all. but i certainly didn't connect the two situations- until today, when he showed some of us the video of him proposing, and it happened the exact way that the girl on the radio had described... sure enough, his fiancee was the one i heard on the radio on monday! what a small world... or at least a small town that i live in :)

last night donny and i had a wonderful time seeing toy story 1 and 2 in 3d... we ate popcorn and gummi bears and relived our childhood for a good 3 and a half hours... not bad for a wednesday night. tonight, we are going country western dancing with a group of our friends/donny's coworkers. our dear friend tiff is moving to houston this weekend with her almost-husband, and while we are happy for them, we are not pleased that she's leaving. so tonight is kind of a last college station hurrah... bittersweet, i suppose.

4th consecutive day of CF, yet another first! first yesterday's workout, then today's...

CrossFit 10.7.09

250m row

1-1-1-1-1 push press
max weight= 62 lbs
it took me 3 tries to get this weight up, but i finally got it. i felt ok with this amount- of course not one of the best, but for me, not too shabby.

3 rounds of:
10 turkish get ups
30 tuck jumps
time= 7:45
if you are wondering what the hell turkish get ups are, so was i! they are so much more difficult than they sound/look. it will be hard to explain, but there are plenty of youtube videos that show it... you start on the ground on your back holding a weight in one hand straight over your head, arm fully extended. using your other arm and your legs, you get up off of the ground and stand up, keeping the weight directly over head, without letting your elbow bend and without taking your eyes off of the weight. it takes so much concentration to do this correctly, not to mention the physical exertion! i used a 10lb weight (for reference, the two guys there used a 20 or 25 lb weight) for the turkish get ups. the tuck jumps were just jumping and trying to get your knees to your chest, without stopping in between jumps. these were pretty exhausting! (i lost count of the turkish get ups twice during this WOD and think i might have been short one or two, so i added 20 secs to my time to get the time listed above)

CrossFit 10.8.09

250m row
3x 10 squats
3x 10 lunges

no strength- rest day

3 rounds, AMRAP (as many reps as possible) in:
1 minute cleans (42 lbs)
1 minute push-ups
1 minute sit-ups
1 minute rest
total per round is the total of all 3 exercises combined
total= 59/58/59
this may have been the toughest workout this week. my muscles were wanting to give out during push-ups in round 2. by round 3, my form all around was suffering significantly- my squats during cleans weren't as low, my push-ups were embarrassing, and i had to use pretty much my whole body to propel myself up for sit-ups. most rounds broke down about like this: 10-12 cleans, 22-25 push-ups, 22-26 sit-ups. glad i'm taking tomorrow off because i am going to be SORE.

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