Wednesday, October 21, 2009

meetings and paperwork and legalities, oh my!

+ i made it to CF at 4, which added an extra hour to my evening of time to spend with donny and penelope. and sytycd comes on tonight.

today was a long day at work, although i hardly got to see any of my kiddos. had two meetings, one of which was somewhat long and stressful and required lots of preparation. that makes 3 so far this week, and one more is scheduled for friday. definitely not a typical week, at least for the fall semester. but all went smoothly today, in the end.

donny and i had a short talk tonight and decided that we are for sure going to move this summer. i have been telling people it's all but certain, but now donny is completely on board as well. he says he doesn't care where, in texas or elsewhere. so, i'm going to start looking at job salaries for speech therapists in all different places, as well as costs of living and whatnot. yay for a big adventure yet to come, as married folk :)

CrossFit 10.21.09

400m row
15 squats

3-2-1-1-1 push press
max weight= 72 lbs
this is a 10 lb increase from two weeks ago! and last time, it took me 3 attempts to get 62 lbs up. today, it took me 2 attempts for 62 lbs, but i got 67 lbs and 72 lbs up on my first attempts! definitely significant progress on this, so i'm pleased.

tabata burpees (20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes)
cumulative total= 49 burpees
my first and only tabata experience before today was with bottom-to-bottom squats, where the "rest"wasn't actually rest, and our total for the workout was the total from our worst round of work. today, the rest was actual rest and we got to keep a cumulative total. i was really happy with my performance on this workout. now granted it's not a competition, but i typically set my goals and measure my performance by comparing it to what all of the other women are able to do. i'm usually the weakest strength-wise, and never the fastest. but today, my total was higher than any other female's. and my push press weight was NOT at the bottom, so i'm really starting to see some measurable progress/results.

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