Tuesday, October 20, 2009

i want to cut my head off

+ solved a problem that had been bugging me regarding one of my diy wedding projects... my wonderfully handy fiance will be to the rescue, using an assortment of power tools to create the solutions. glad to have that little, pesky weight off of my shoulders!

today was kind of crappy due to yet another headache. this time i woke up with it, and it lingered most of the day. i took the morning off and stayed home, hoping that if i took meds and went back to sleep for a bit i would feel better. but alas, no relief. i had some things i really couldn't miss on my afternoon schedule (as opposed to the things i really shouldn't have missed in the morning) so i went to work and soldiered through the pain. unfortunately, fluorescent lights and kids are not a good cure for migraines. i'm hoping that tomorrow i'll wake up, and remain throughout the day, pain free. i really need my productivity to be at a max right now (and, in reality, for the rest of the school year). 

no staff meeting today, which was definitely a good thing. donny got to take a half day and go play 34 holes of golf, which was also a good thing... he loves to golf and i love for him to be happy :) 

CF was pretty good today, despite my headache...

CrossFit 10.20.09

3 rounds of 10 reps:
GHD sit-ups
wall balls (6 lb ball)

3-2-1-1-1 cleans
weight (not max)= 42 lbs

cleans (42 lbs) and ring dips (small resistance band)
time= 8:54
my weight was pretty light (big surprise), but my time was pretty strong. also, i was able to use the small band for dips, instead of the medium band i used last time for a ring dips workout. many of the women used the medium band, and some had to do static box dips. overall, i think it was a good showing. my lower back is still sore, and last time we did dips was when my triceps freakishly swelled, so i'm hoping that issue doesn't reappear. took lots of fish oil tonight and am drinking lots of water, so hopefully i'll be ready to rock tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain - I'm about to smash my head on the wall. Or in reality just go back to the doc for more allergy meds. But please don't cut your head off - it's so pretty :) Can't wait to see you this weekend!
