Wednesday, October 14, 2009

shower uno

+ we have more wedding gifts, thanks to my wonderful coworkers! my first bridal shower was after school today in the library. donny was able to come and we enjoyed delicious cake and punch and posed for numerous photo opps... a good time all around! donny has all sorts of new things to use when he cooks ;)

i wore pretty much my cutest work outfit ever, which included my new boots and some of my new stella & dot jewelry. i enjoyed the compliments too, because let's face it, sometimes looking like crap that was scraped off of the street gets old.

i'm so looking forward to a (hopefully) yummy dinner, some vino, and a night full of tv... i'm really needing a relaxing evening after today's workout.

CrossFit 10.14.09

3x 10 push-ups, sit-ups, squats

3-3-3-3-3 thrusters, 52 lbs (not max)

thrusters (52 lbs) & pull-ups/body rows
time= 10:32
this was maybe the hardest workout ever. pull-ups suck. or, more accurately, i suck at pull-ups. i used the medium band for the first set, and then the next two sets i switched to body rows. the thrusters were so tough- i had a hard time making it through the first, long set, and didn't know how i'd ever finish the workout... but i did. considering my load, my time was actually pretty decent relative to the other females. i really, really want to get better at pull-ups though!

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